ONAPE: First National Employment Forum in N’Djaména

ONAPE: First National Employment Forum in N’Djaména

From 15 to 18 October 2024, the Office National pour la Promotion de l’Emploi (ONAPE), the Republic of Chad’s public employment service, organised its first National Employment Forum at the Radisson Blue Hotel in N’Djaména.

This ambitious event took place under the very high patronage of the President of the Republic, the Head of State of Chad, Mr Mahamat Idriss Deby Itno. As in many countries in sub-Saharan Africa, this demonstrates that concerns about employment development and social inclusion are being taken to the highest level of government.

The presence of Mr Camille Mouté à Bidias, Director General of FNE Cameroon and Honorary President of WAPES, the representative of the President of AASEP, Mr Sidibé Bréhima, and Mr Laoula, Ndilgone Roland, Coordinator of the RPSA-Tchad/ILO Project, was also noteworthy.

The forum was an epicentre for fruitful exchanges and confrontations between experts and personalities active in the employment and training ecosystem in Chad, a platform for meetings between companies and young people looking for work, and a place to promote economic and social innovation.

The presence and active contribution of experts from neighbouring countries and other PES (Mali, Guinea Conakry, Gabon, Niger, Burkina Faso, Cameroon) gave this event an international dimension. It should be noted that Cameroon’s National Employment Fund provided its Chadian counterpart with 2 experts (Ms Maanssan Tatho Elisabeth and Ms Boudigue Asmaou) who contributed their know-how and support in preparing the “Employment Exchange”, one of the key elements of the National Employment Forum.

Over 4 days, the National Employment Forum attracted more than 7,200 participants (jobseekers, students, self-employed workers, start-ups, celebrities, civil society players, etc.), not to mention the impact of online advertising on social networks. It also saw the active participation of 70 companies, 47 of which submitted their job offers for publication and 23 of which chose to be physically present on the stands. Thanks to this job fair, ONAPE processed no fewer than 2,340 CVs, enabling 618 jobseekers to find direct employment, and more than 300 promises of recruitment and work placements were recorded.

So, a great success, which once again demonstrates the ability of our PES to mobilise together, whatever the difficulties in our contexts, to take action.
Congratulations to Mr Noussaradine Abakar Kessou, Managing Director of ONAPE, and his teams!

If you are interested in this experience, please contact ONAPE :
· coordination@onape.td
· contact@onape.td

Watch the debates on ONAPE’s facebook