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Mitigating Future Skills Gaps: Progressing Into a Digital World of Work

Kuala Lumpur

Kuala Lumpur @ET-DC@eyJkeW5hbWljIjp0cnVlLCJjb250ZW50IjoicG9zdF90aXRsZSIsInNldHRpbmdzIjp7ImJlZm9yZSI6IiIsImFmdGVyIjoiIiwiZW5hYmxlX2h0bWwiOiJvZmYifX0=@July 16 & 17, 2024 Regional Asia-Pacific Conference: : Mitigating Future Skills Gaps: Progressing Into a Digital World of Work July 16 and 17, 2024, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia   The forward-looking theme of this year’s Conference is ‘Mitigating Future Skills Gaps: Progressing Into a Digital World of Work’. WAPES and PERKESO will mark another significant milestone from all PES’s countries discussion on empowering labour market stakeholders as well as thriving an increasingly digitalised world. The global workforce is in the midst of seismic change as digitization permeates all aspects of industry and commerce. Technological advances are redefining roles and workflows, while creating opportunities and challenges for workers. The conference aims to delve into these complexities, offering insights and solutions to bridge the gap between the promises and pitfalls of digitization, through the three thematic sessions described below: 1. Helping workers cope with the promises and pitfalls of digitization The promise of digitization lies in its potential to improve productivity, efficiency and innovation. However, it also presents challenges such as job displacement, skills obsolescence and intensifying competition. According to the World Economic Forum, half the world's workforce may need to be retrained in the next two years, and 1.1 […]