WAPES: Setting course for renewal and the future.

The world’s public employment services (PES) held an extraordinary general assembly on Thursday June 15, 2023. The meeting was chaired by Nourredine BENKHALIL, Managing Director of ANAPEC (Morocco) and President of the World Association of Public Employment Services (AMSEP), and attended by the Managing Directors and heads of 61 member PES (43 on line and 18 present).

The meeting resulted in important decisions that will most certainly influence the present and future of the association. These include the adoption of new articles of association in line with Belgian law, the creation of a solidarity fund, the principle of debt forgiveness for former members wishing to rejoin the organization, and the new focus on developing projects and programs tailored to the needs of the Zones that make up the association. The next Board of Directors meeting will consolidate certain decisions by adopting the conditions and operating mode of the Solidarity Fund.

In this way, WAPES is aiming to become even more attractive, and is setting a course for unquestionable evolution by positioning itself henceforth as an effective instrument of development, listening to and serving its members through projects and programs tailored to their needs.

In this respect alone, the Brussels meeting will mark a decisive turning point in the life of the organization.

It should be noted that the proceedings benefited from the ever-helpful advice and guidance of the Honorary Chairman, Mr. Camille MoutĂ© Ă  Bidias, Managing Director of Cameroon’s National Employment Fund (FNE).

We look forward to seeing you in Conakry in October 2023 for the inter-regional conference on the theme of “concrete policies for the development and promotion of green jobs”, and in November in Antalya, TĂĽrkiye, where the theme of NEETS will be addressed.

Bréhima SIDIBE, Vice-Presidence Africa, ANPE Mali