5th training session for Employment Consultants (EC) of the African Region’s PES members
The 5th training session for Employment Consultants(EC) of the WAPES members of the African Region starts tomorrow in Yaoundé.

The theme of this session is “The Employment Consultants and intermediation, the core business of the Public Employment Services (PES)”.

The aim is to strengthen the skills of ECs to better master intermediation mechanisms and innovative concepts, all matching with the evolution of the labour market.

The training method consists of practical case studies resulting from the modules on relations with jobseekers and companies, as well as theoretical inputs and work carried out in pairs, sub-groups or individually.

The workshop will be facilitated by experienced experts from the Africa Region and Mr Thierry Huort, a consultant seconded by WAPES.

The opening ceremony will take place the 20th of September 2021 at the Mansel Hotel in Yaoundé in the presence of the Honorary President of WAPES and Director General of the National Employment Fund (FNE) of Cameroon, Mr. Camille Mouté à Bidias and the Vice President of WAPES for the Africa Region, Mr. Ibrahim Ag Nock, Director General of the ANPE of Mali.

The session ends on 30 September 2021.

The participants are Employment Consultants from Benin, Cameroon, Congo Brazzaville, Mali, Niger, D.R. Congo and Chad.

For the WAPES Africa vice-presidency, Ibrahima SIDIBE