WAPES Missions
WAPES supports PES members worldwide in fulfilling their mission of making the labour market functioning optimally.
Knowledge hub
- WAPES collects worldwide labour market information, recognizes good (PES) practices and shares these with members and other stakeholders. This facilitates PES to act proactive on the labour market.
- WAPES is a key player in promoting the connection between policy makers, the economic and other domains like green economy and poverty reduction.
- WAPES collects input from other stakeholders.
- WAPES supports new ways of sharing knowledge and experience among PES. E.g. ‘benchlearning’ (mutual learning with a benchmarking component), sharing good practices and less successful experiences, training and consultancy programs to qualify and professionalise the PES staff, expert visits to deliver capacity on a specific topic on the spot and thematic expert meetings.
- WAPES provides material for long-term use, such as studies, webinars and toolkits.
Network hub
- WAPES is a network hub for the PES internally and externally. Apart from the website, other instruments such as social media and other communication instruments are taken into account to share information.
- Communication is a key factor for sharing and valorisation of innovation which can inspire other countries.
- WAPES uses an innovative communication strategy to sensitise members and other global stakeholders of the important voice the worldwide PES network has on labour market issues.
Change promoter
- WAPES is a change promoter: promoting knowledge sharing on the labour market, communication and exchange to make sure set change goals are met. For that use, tools and methods for change are gathered and promoted.
- WAPES advocates for PES with their relevant stakeholders to allow them to fulfil their mission. For example support in acquiring the mandate to fulfil conductor functions.
- WAPES can be the spokesperson of its members in discussion relating to the labour market with other actors, especially with international organisations.
- WAPES let the joined voice of its members be heard in labour market discussions with other smaller and larger labour market players.