Dr. Sang Hyon Lee – Research Associate, Employment Service Innovation Division, Keis
Dr. Youngjung KimPresident of KEIS
Keynote address :
Overview of digitization policies in Asia-Pacific
Mr. Michael Mwasikakata – Director of Labor Market Services for Transitions in the Employment, Labor Market Policies and Youth Department (EMPLAB), ILO (video)
ILO presentation
Session 1: Digitalization of PES; national policies
Australian Employment Division online services (video)
Ms Melissa Ryan – First Assistant Secretary, Workforce Australia for Individuals Division
Presentation Australia
Digitizing public employment services in Cambodia (video) (video2)
Ms Ouch Cheachanmolika – Acting Director General of the National Employment Agency (NEA) of the Ministry of Labor and Vocational Training (MLVT).
Presentation Cambodia
Question-and-answer session (video)
Session 2: Labour market information systems (LMIS) and data-driven employment services – Digital tools/platforms for matching job offers and applications
Emploi Store (digital platform/tool for employment and training) (video)
Mr. Antoine BAYLE – Head of the Libre Innovation section – PĂ´le Emploi, Mr. Alexandre MILLET – Deputy manager of the Libre Innovation department
Presentation France
Labor market information system (LMIS) and data-driven employment service (video)
Dr. Gyun Kim– Service Chief Researcher / Executive Director of the Planning and Information Office – Korean Employment Information Service
Korea presentation
Question-and-answer session (video)
Final remarks (video)
Webinar: Digitalisation of PES
Online, October 18, 2023 Time: 2:30 pm to 5:00 pm (GMT +9 , Seoul time)
The Korea Employment Information Service (KEIS) and the World Association of Public Employment Services (WAPES) are collaborating to host an impactful webinar on the digitalisation of Public Employment Services (PES). This note proposes a web seminar in which members of the WAPES Asia-Pacific region gather to share the status of digitized public employment services and exchange knowledge. This overview provides a concise introduction to the webinar and its significance in advancing effective employment services in the digital era.
Background & Objectives
In the post-COVID era, non-face-to-face and digital transformation is accelerating more than ever in society as a whole. In today’s rapidly evolving world, digitalization has become a crucial factor in shaping the landscape of employment services. The advancements in technology offer tremendous potential for enhancing the efficiency, accessibility, and effectiveness of PES. Recognizing the importance of embracing digital transformation, many countries are investing in building LMIS to strengthen their labour market competitiveness.
This webinar aims to look at the status of public employment services among Asia-Pacific countries in the post-COVID era, and to share insights, experiences and best practices on the digitization of PES.
The primary objectives of the webinar on Digitalization of PES are as follows:
- Explore the role of digitalization in improving the delivery and accessibility of employment services
- Share successful case studies and innovative solutions adopted by various countries to leverage digital tools and platforms within PES
- Identify key challenges and opportunities associated with digitalization of PES and discuss strategies to address them
- Sharing labour demand analysis and forecasting, labour market data flow and information delivery systems
- Facilitate knowledge exchange, networking, and collaboration among PES professionals and stakeholders
- X
- Should you have any questions or require further information, please do not hesitate to reach out to us.
Thank you for your continued support, as we anticipate a successful and enriching event.
Your Executive Secretariat
For its Members, by its Members
Melissa Ryan
First Assistant Secretary, Workforce Australia for Individuals Division – Department of Employment and Workplace Relations
Melissa Ryan is the First Assistant Secretary, Workforce Australia for Individuals. Her responsibilities include the design and implementation of Workforce Australia, which commenced in July 2022. Melissa has held senior roles in a range of Commonwealth departments and has worked across a broad range of public policy issues, including social services program reforms; industrial relations, workers’ compensation, work health and safety regulation; and income support program administration.
Ouch Cheachanmolika
Acting Director General,Agence nationale pour l’emploi
Ms. Ouch Cheachanmolika is a Deputy Director General of National Employment Agency (NEA) of Ministry of Labour and Vocational Training (MLVT). Ms.Ouch has served as a public official mainly in public employment service since 2014 at National Employment Agency. Her received a bachelor degree of management at Royal University of Law and Economic in Phnom Penh and master degree of employment and human resource at Lumière Lyon II University in French. She received a certificate of training program on Career Guidance Policy and Practice in Turin, Italy in 2014 and training program on Improving the Employment Service in Japan 2015.
Antoine Bayle
Head of Open Innovation PĂ´le Emploi
After 20 years in digital experience, Antoine BAYLE has been leading the open innovation department for almost five years. This department is in charge of setting up tools to encourage collective innovation. Antoine is also in charge of Pôle emploi’s strategy to open up our data through our API management platform.
Alexandre Millet
Deputy Head of Open Innovation PĂ´le Emploi
Following 12 years in IT and innovation consulting, Alexandre joined PĂ´le Emploi 3 years ago, and has been helping expand and rationalize the open innovation cooperation with external actors.
Dr. Gyun Kim
Senior Research Fellow/Executive Director Of Planning and Information Bureau – Korean Employment Information Service
Mr. Gyun Kim is the Executive Director of Planning and Information Bureau at the Korea Employment Information Service. He has held various positions within the organization, including team leader for strategic marketing, UX employment services, planning the online youth center, digital planning team and director of big data center, and innovation planning division. Currently, he simultaneously serves as the director of the Innovation Planning division and the Executive Director of the Planning and Information Bureau.
information. He is in charge of general responsibility for international cooperation affairs. Since 2007, Mr. Kim has been conducting research on employment services in Korea, focusing on job seeker characteristics and the country’s leading labor market information system, WorkNet. He has also studied the structure, role, and strategies of Korea’s labor market information system. Mr. Kim currently serves as a practitioner member of the National Social Security Committee of Korea and a forum member of the Presidential Fourth Industrial Revolution Committee. He received his business education from Yonsei University and Hanyang University and has taught management at several universities.
Dr. Sang Hyon Lee
Research Fellow of Employment Service Innovation Division – Korean Employment Information Service
Dr. Sang Hyon Lee is a Research Fellow of Employment Service Innovation Division, Korea Employment Information Service. Dr. Lee took his Ph. D. in Human Resource Management at the University of Korea Tech. He has researched employment services for 25 years at the Ministry of Labor and KEIS. He leaded various researches on performance evaluation, customer relationship, contracting out, governance and collaboration of PES. He also organized several international trainings and seminars on Public Employment Services.
Michael Mwasikakata
Head of the Labour Market Services for Transitions Unit in the Employment, Labour Market Policies and Youth Branch (EMPLAB) of the Employment Policy, Job Creation and Livelihoods Department – ILO
Michael Mwasikakata, is the Head of the Labour Market Services for Transitions Unit in the Employment, Labour Market Policies and Youth Branch (EMPLAB) of the Employment Policy, Job Creation and Livelihoods Department, at ILO HQ in Geneva. His responsibilities include research and knowledge development, development of tools and strategies to strengthen employment services and active labour market policies, provision of technical assistance to member states to strengthen and modernise public employment services and support regulation of private employment agencies as well as promotion of partnerships and cooperation between public and private employment services. Its role also includes supporting the regulation of private employment agencies and promoting partnerships and cooperation between public and private employment services. He has previously served at the ILO Decent Work Team for Eastern and Southern Africa, South Africa advising countries in the region on employment policy frameworks as well as in ILO projects and as a senior officer in the Government of Malawi.